Sunday, December 27, 2009

Made the switch

To tumblr

Love u blogspot!

Uve done wonders for me!

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Thursday, December 24, 2009

I look into his eyes little eyes and I see his beautiful heart.
He's so pure, so happy, he's a piece of art.
His dad is sick, and he's starting to get scared
He doesn't deserve to see his dad like this, its impossible to be prepared

It hurts me to see this little kid so sad,
Why does god do this? It makes me so mad.

I'm going to try to help fill a role that can never be replaced.
It will be the toughest situation I have ever faced

I just want to be there and keep him on track
And fill a male role that he will lack
faith and love is the only thing that will carry us through this. I believe that everything happens for a reason. God has done this for a reason. I will stick by this kids side, who knows this may be my purpose in life..just gotta stay strong for him.
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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

so much on my mind

as every day goes by, i just wish i could be with you.
as every day goes by, i just wish i could see you
im going thru a lot, and i wish u were by my side.
but dont worry cuz soon enuff, we will be back together and
all my worries will vanish, just like they always do when im with you.
i miss ur smile
i miss ur laugh
i miss ur heart
i miss ur love
i miss ur lips
i miss ur hugs
i miss everything

but i guess its life. i mean im making the best of my time back home and i truly have the best friends in the world.. holla to my boys rohit khanna, andrew, and my BOY AMIT! theres ur shoutout son!


i am growin up so much so fast right now, and its kind of a trip
learning so much about myself, and im just now maturing,

but for some reason my heart hurts right now.
its heavy, something is holding it down.
im trying to figure out what it is.
maybe its cuz i cant be with you
maybe its becuase of what i am going thru

whatever happenz and whatever the reason is. i have to hold my head high and stay strong. im not depending on any1 anymore,. just gotta take care of myself, and let god put me on the right path. he will help me, he will answer my prayers. i know it. i have faith. everything happenz for a reason.....

one love,

ps. i dont write this blog for any1 to see. i dont write this blog for her to read. i dont write it for any1 to read. i write it for myself. its me expressing myself.

Monday, December 21, 2009

I can't stop thinkin about her and its 330 AM.
Its crazy cuz 6 months ago this time, I was sad and depressed up at 330.
But now I just am sittin here smilin and thinkin about how amazing she is and how lucky I am to have her. Its weird, every song I listen to I think about her.

I miss her a lot, its been 3 days, and time apart is alaways good,but I wish I could be with her. And see her beautiful smile that fills my soul with true bliss.

Idk just stuff on my mind. I'm tired....

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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Is it?

Is it love, well it definately feels like it and my heart tells me it just might be.
Then stuff happens, something goes wrong and its the same feelings I just can't see

But the truth is, at the end of the day, whether I'm happy, sad, tired, stressed or depressed. I still want her to be by my side
Because she's more than my gf, she's my best friend in who I confide.

It may be love or it may not I just have to live my life and keep a smile on my face.
I can't worry about too much or speed it up its not a race.

I was pushing this relationship way to fast, and now its time to ease off the pedal and lightly tap the brakes
Cuz I know that I this relationship will work, cuz I'm willing to change and I know I have what it takes

Its time to stop forcing it, and let go of this load
and let god guide me down the right road

...Freestyle poem... That's how I do... I don't like how this turned out... Its cool thoo..I feel a lot better...

Nav out!

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Is it?

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There's still somethin botherin me, idk what it is tho. I wish I could just settle my mind and relax. Tommorows games, the range with ro, and possibly roscoes with the homiez. Congratz to my boy mcneez and austyn cs on the wyoming bowl game win...quote of the day

"The couple that fights the most is the one most in love... it shows they care enough to notice the other one screwed up and care enough to mention it to the person so they can fix it. When you stop fighting it means you stopped caring."

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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Venting for blog:

So this week was crazy. So much happened, so much got better. Thingz will build back to where they were. In my eyes, it was 2 steps backwards and 3 forward. Every problem we resolve will make us stronger. Idk what I'd do without my best friends. Keep me in are some major lessons of the week:

- Keep a good balance between gf and homiez.
- Stop trippen so hard for no reason
- Don't solely depend on any1 to take care of you.
-respect opinions and feelings of others
- don't drink with glasses on
- don't drink with wallet in pocket.
- love with your heart and not ur mind. Go with the flow.
- shut the fuck up and LISTEN!
- its not about ME all the time
- BE GRATEFUL for everything we have in life. And never take anything for granted. Never. It can be gone the next day

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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

shes infront of me studying and i cant stop lookin at her and admiring how beautiful she is...

"Sweat pants, hair tied, chillin' with no make-up on
That's when you're the prettiest, I hope that you don't take it wrong"

i can sing that loud and so true.
its the truth.

she is one of the best things that has ever happened to me.
she loves me, i love her.

cant ask for much more.

pretty content with my life right now.

except i have 2 finals tommorow.! still studying you all

Monday, December 14, 2009

Its all out there

Its off my chest. It feelz great. Everything I have been thinkin about is solved and as for this relationship, I have no worries. She's everythin I look for in a girl. Idk what I would do without her. She makes me smile when no1 else can....

Ima leave with a siq quote I found.

"Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when u hang up on him,who will lie under the stars and listen to ur heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch u sleep..wait for the boy who kisses your forehead,who wants to show you off to the whole world, who holds ur hand infront of his friends, who thinks ur jst as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding u of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have you..."

Dope quote by anonymous. Found it today on a random website. No homo.

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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

it feels different

i had her and yes it was great while it lasted
but what i have with you, is different, its multi faseted,
we were great friends who became lovers, and beaucause of this
this is not like others,
theres something inside of me that goes crazy when i see you or hear ur voice
it reassures daily that imade the right choice
ya its early, and some say i might just be infatuated
you truly are the best girl ive ever dated
all i live for is to make u smile and hear u laugh your heart out
i want you to know, making u happy, is all i care about.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009